
Continued monitoring of the Martian surface.

Mars albedo on November 9th

Interesting albedo features seen extending from Deltoton into Aeria

Mars albedo on November 5th

ALERT: Strange dark streak seen on Mars on 22 October. More observations needed to confirm its nature.

Blue clouds over Daedelia and Mare Acedalium

Finer detail of Solis lacus and of its surrounding albedo features

An interesting albedo feature extending from Niliacus Lacus

Nix Olympia visible opposite Mare Sirenum

Let the dust settle on Mars

Hellas basin is bright and prominent.

A rewarding imaging session of Mars.

UPDATED: South polar cap not prominent

Mars up close at 11.4" diameter.

Hazy martian atmosphere

Albedo structure of Mare Cimmerium and Lemuria region on Mars

Subtle surface features on planet Mars, as visible by Hubble Space Telescope

UPDATED: Brilliant white Hellas Planitia

UPDATED: Olympus Mons located at 135 degrees longitude.

Planet Mars showing high definition at 13.7"