Jupiter imaged a day after its closest distance to the Earth.

On the evening of Saturday 7th February 2015, the sky was transparent but unstable. Overall there was a deterioration in the seeing with observation time (21:16UT - 21:54UT).

These are the best images of Jupiter taken during this observation session, a day after its opposition. South is at top and the images are mirror-inverted. The equatorial diameter is 45.4".

There is an extremely intricate pattern on the surface of Jupiter (bottom image) especially with regards to blue festoons and plumes in the equatorial region (top image). This image also shows delicate wake turbulence next to the GRS.

The GRS is salmon-coloured and well defined (top image) and has a strong signal from the methane filter (middle image). In the equatorial band next to the NEB, the methane filter indicates the presence of higher clouds. 

The North Equatorial Band is very active. A series of 3 white ovals (anticyclonic) are seen south of the STB.

Comments are welcome.

2015-02-07 21:16UT-21:21UT CM I: 202.1; CM II: 208.5; CM III:121.0

2015-02-07 21:40UT 6 min exposure CM I: 216.7; CM II: 222.9; CM III:135.5

2015-02-07 21:55UT CM 1: 226.2; CM II: 232.8; CM III: 144.9