Dynamic wakefield following the GRS

Blue filter (40 secs; 1024x700)
18 09-13UT  [ I: 72 II: 276 III: 94]    LRGB  (c) 2014

This evening a 10 knot southerly wind created quite unsteady weather conditions during image capture. So seeing is very low, and transparency is on the moderate side due to the currently high humidity (some 89%).

The GRS is setting on the P side. What is very interesting here is the wakefield structure next to the salmon-coloured GRS. This is very bright in the methane band as observed by Chris Go.

Mickey's head is still evident in the SSTB. The white oval along the central meridian is slowly catching up the triad ovals.

Very prominent is the Oval BA which is just rising on the F side.

Blue festoons are very prominent in the EZ.

IR filter (40 secs; 1024x700)